Thursday, June 14, 2007

Destiny rewritten...

sometimes i there any such thing as destiny...or fate?Is our life one set predetermined course of events or is it this mind boggling whole matrix of parallel universes through which we travel through in space and time, each one representative of wat our lives might be..acccording to the choices tat we make. And then again, i think- maybe i ll never know the truth...maybe i was never meant to, maybe i ll never need to. i guess this is a question tat each one of us has to look deep inside us and retrospect-cos the answer is just can be wat u want it to be. Personally, i like to think tat each of the innumerable miniscule decisions tat we take most involuantirily contribute to me as i am today. It gives me a sense of comfort, a sense of control...and most importantly a sense of purpose to life!. But then again events happen which cause me to question the very beleifs which i hold tat make me realise how fragile our existenxe really is, how inconsiquential human life really is..but even always..there are two paths to to resign oneself by taking refuge in the convenient excuse of fate or to strive to rewrite the destiny tat semms etched in stone. and i, for one beleive tat even stone etchings can be erased, destinies rewritten..i may be wrong but to me all tat maters is tat i beleive in it, and tat makes it truer to me than anything hard evidence may prove...who knows just by trusting my beleifs , right here, right now, i ve steered myself and by reading this, urself, to a wonderful parallel universe whose possibilities are endless and where hope springs eternal..and i am sure tat we are there right now :):):)