Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the 30 day challenge

Keeping with my routine of eating, sleeping, cracked.com, web comics, watching tv shows and a little of cooking and cleaning, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself on my fav site after a long long time - ted.com. Found this great idea on TED.. do check it out http://www.ted.com/talks/matt_cutts_try_something_new_for_30_days.html . The simplicity of the whole idea struck me. Take something u always wanted to do and challenge yourself to do it for 30 days. Simple as that. It can be as small as reading the newspaper everyday or blogging everyday or as big as volunteering at a local NGO or learning a new instrument. It can be both an experiment of your will power and an exercise for it. Also, you get to have great fun and at the end of it, can look back in satisfaction :) tat got me thinking.. I am never gonna be as vetti (free) as I am right now..so y not? Being the procrastinator I am ( right M ?) , I decided to start off light.. Heres the plan so far:
1. Get in touch with one old( or relatively new) friend everyday.
2. Nah.. dont wanna jinx this one.. but its big.. hope I do well enough to tell u i did it after 30 days :)

so wats your plan?


Ashish Sethi said...

Well...now that you have said it...i am getting to that guitar.. :)

Vishnu said...

I am going to decide in these 30 days what i exactly intend to do with this so called "life"

amal said...

@sethi : haha.. good luck man :) remember our guitar plans after u get placed! we never got to it na.. one of the many unfinished plans..

amal said...

@vishnu : good luck bro.. let me in on it when u do decide :)

Mayuresh said...

Get in touch:)

amal said...

@murri : mail me ur home number man :)