Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I like drunk people. People who can hold their drink i mean. Not the ones who go around smashing things on a high or end up throwing up all over the place. I like those who, after knocking back a couple of hard ones, get this peaceful look on their face and become great fun to chat with. I know people who find it so hard to express themselves in their sober state, become masters of eloquence when drunk, and I love listening to them when they do. The dialted pupils, the dazed happy expression on their faces, the smug grin, the overflowing camedarie make normal people abnormal, adds a dash of colour to their charachters, who are ptherwise black and white in the cartoon of life. A kind-of peaceful pallor descends on them, and I wonder whther they experience more happiness than I ever can in my sober state?!


Serendipity said...

i have something funny to tell you. ask me next time u see me online.

Govinda Keshavdas said...

agree a hundred percent !

Vishnu said...

agreed.. but if bot are high.. that would turn out to be a very awkward conversation..